Environmental Education Legislation Update
Good News for National Environmental Education Act Funding!
On June 26th, the House passed the Fiscal Year 2010 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (HR 2996), with some good news for environmental education. Included in the bill is $10 million (an increase of $1 million) for the National Environmental Education Act (NEEA), which funds important programs like Project Learning Tree through EETAP. While in the grand scheme of things $1 million doesn't seem like a lot, it has been almost a decade since this Program (housed within the Environmental Protection Agency) has seen any funding increases.
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved their version of the FY 2010 Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, including $9 million for NEEA. While the Senate maintains funding at the current level, they include direction to EPA to use the NEEA funds solely for NEEA activities, whereas in the past, EPA has taken significant funding off the top for administrative purposes.
No Child Left Inside Act
The drive continues to secure cosponsors on the No Child Left Inside Act (HR 2054/S 866). In the House 12 new cosponsors have been added in the last month, bringing the number of House cosponsors to 72, more cosponsors than we've ever had on this legislation in the House. In the Senate, we're up to 15 cosponsors, with 2 more added in the last month.
Climate Change Impacts in the United States
A new report on Climate Change Impacts in the United States was released by the White House and the U.S. Global Change Research Program. The report and new website highlight regional impacts that are already occurring and will likely occur, as well as the new climate literacy framework and an educators toolkit geared toward middle school students. Check out the report and supporting materials at www.globalchange.gov.
NAAEE Seeking Photos for “EE Year in Review”
Deadline for submission: August 15, 2009
We're nearly half way through 2009 and it's time to start looking backward at what we've already accomplished, and forward at how we will celebrate our successes at the NAAEE conference. NAAEE is compiling an "EE Year in Review" show to send to all conference participants on DVD. Please share the highlights of your EE programs, your local award winners, how you have reached new and diverse audiences, with visual images in a 300 dpi format on a CD. Please include credit to the photographer for each image you send. Submissions should be sent to Dr. Joe Baust, NAAEE “EE Year in Review”, Murray State University, 3201 Alexander Hall, Murray, KY 42071. National PLT is also always in need of good photos highlighting the work of PLT programs, environmental educators, and their students. If you’re going to send photos to NAAEE, please send them to us, too! Anyone under the age of 18 whose face is clearly visible, needs to sign a release form. Many thanks to Elizabeth Burke, 2009 Outstanding Educator Honoree from Virginia, for some great photos!