Monday, July 25, 2011

Deadline for GreenWorks! Grants is Fast Approaching!

Educators, the application deadline for GreenWorks! Grants is September 30th.  A few important things to remember are:

•  The maximum grant award is $1,000
•  Grants must be completed in one year
•  Applicants must have attended a Project Learning Tree (PLT) workshop
•  The proposed project must involve service-learning
•  The proposed project must exemplify student voice
•  The proposed project must involve at least one community partner
•  The proposed project must secure at least 50% matched funds (in-kind acceptable)

For more information, including the application form, click HERE.

In 2011, another grant opportunity, the GreenSchools! Action Project, is available. The application deadline is also September 30th.  Requirements are as follows:

• Applicants must meet all the parameters for traditional GreenWorks! grant funding (above)
• Applicants must be a school (public or private)
• Applicants must be registered on the PLT GreenSchools! website (It’s free!)
• Applicants must have established a Green Team
• Applicants must have completed one of more of the PLT GreenSchools! investigations
• The proposed project must be based on the findings of one or more of the PLT GreenSchools! investigations

Please note that grant applicants are welcome to submit proposals in both categories , but it is only possible to be funded in one.  More information on the Greenschools! Action Project grant is available HERE.

Check Out the Newest Edition of PLT's Newsletter!

Some highlights from the latest edition of The Branch include:

  • 2011's  National Project Learning Tree Outstanding Educators
  • National policy updates
  • Applying for and using Greenworks Grants
  • Using PLT to teach about the Gulf Oil Spill

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Green Schools National Conference

The second annual Green Schools National Conference will be held in Denver this year on Feburary 27th-29th. Register now through July 31st for speacial earl bird rates or apply to be a presentor. Applications for presentors are due by July 31st. For more information visit

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

2011 Fire Ecology Institute for Educators

Check out the latest photos and participant reflections!