Monday, August 15, 2011

National Project Learning Tree's New Website

National Project Learning Tree has redone their website. Check it out for helpful resources and information at

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Colorado Environmental Film Festival

Colorado Environmental Film Festival
The largest environmental film festival between the coasts, Colorado Environmental Film Festival seeks unique and meaningful films that aim to inspire, educate, and call to action. The Colorado Environmental Film Festival ( announces our annual Call for Entries, open now through submission deadline of November 30, 2011. The sixth annual festival takes place February 23-25, 2012 in beautiful Golden, CO. In addition to our original categories of Ultra Shorts, Shorts, Feature Length, and Local Filmmakers, this year we are opening up a new Youth Category for young filmmakers in Grades 6-12.
Filmmakers of all abilities and backgrounds are invited to submit their films. All films must be formally submitted through the online service, Details for submitting are also included on the festival’s website, If you have a film to submit or suggest for our consideration, you can also contact us at 303.278.8822 or