Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Green Ribbon Award

In September, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) made public its plans for a new Green Ribbon Schools initiative to acknowledge the work of schools related to environment, health, and education.

Through the Green Ribbon Schools program, the U.S. Department of Education will recognize schools with high levels of achievement under three pillars: 1) environmental impact and energy efficiency; 2) healthy environment; and 3) environmental literacy.

The recognition award is part of the ED's effort to identify and disseminate knowledge about practices proven to result in improved student engagement, academic achievement, graduation rates, and workforce preparedness.

As a PLT GreenSchool participant, you are a model school for this award, and we encourage you to apply! Project Learning Tree (PLT) and PLT's GreenSchools! program are listed by the ED as resources for schools to meet the criteria of its Green Ribbon award. Check out this chart that outlines how conducting PLT's set of five GreenSchool Investigations support every element of the ED's three Green Ribbon pillars.

In order to receive the ED Green Ribbon award, your school must be nominated by the Chief State Schools Officer (CSSO) in your state. Contact information for your Chief State Schools Officer can be found at http://www.ccsso.org/Who_We_Are/Meet_the_Chiefs.html, and we encourage you to contact your state's PLT Coordinator for help in working with your CSSO.

For more background, links to information and resources, and a fact sheet that provides a brief overview of the Green Ribbon Schools initiative, please read www.ed.gov./blog/2011/09/final-plans-announced-for-green-ribbon-schools/.

Winning schools will be recognized at an annual ceremony. While this recognition program conveys no ED funding to states, schools, or districts, Green Ribbon Schools may find raising financial and technical support for their green schools efforts a little easier.

If you are looking for funding now to help complete one or more of PLT's GreenSchools! Investigations, consider applying to PLT for a GreenSchools! grant. We've extended the application deadline to October 28, 2011. Thanks to funding provided by the U.S. Forest Service, grants up to $1,000 are available to support environmental action projects your students identify and plan to implement at your school. Visit www.greenschools.org for an application form.

"Environmental literacy is an important part of a well-rounded, world-class education," Education Secretary Arne Duncan said in April. In his recent video message announcing the Green Ribbon Schools competition, Secretary Duncan encourages schools to apply for the Green Ribbon award and said, "great schools can be examples of the best and most innovative ways to reduce environmental impact, create healthy learning spaces, and teach environmental literacy."

You can access the chart that outlines correlations between GreenSchools! Investigations and the three Green Ribbon pillars at http://www.plt.org/correlations.

Project Learning Tree can help you earn that national recognition!


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