Common Core Standards
and STEM
Taken separately, the four STEM subjects are defined by the National Research Council as:
Science is the study of the natural world, including the laws of nature associated with
physics, chemistry, and biology and the treatment or application of facts, principles, concepts, or
conventions associated with these disciplines.
Technology comprises the entire system of people and organizations, knowledge, processes, and devices that go into creating and operating technological artifacts, as well as the artifacts themselves (the creation, adaption and use of everything from a crow bar to a hand lens to the space station, computer software technology is the creation and use of tools)
Engineering is a body of knowledge about the design and creation of products and a process for solving problems. Engineering utilizes concepts in science and mathematics and technological tools (e.g. often focused on applying science and technology to make our lives better, easier or more efficient, and might include artifacts ranging from paperclips to robotic systems designed to build cars)
Scientists study the world as it is;
engineers create the world that has never been.
-Theodore von Kármán
Mathematics is the study of patterns and relationships among quantities, numbers, and shapes. Mathematics includes theoretical mathematics and applied mathematics
For more information about Project Learning Tree activities that support STE(engineering)M!
Why the Emphasis on STEM?
There is a great deal of concern that if the United States does not do a better job
of preparing and encouraging all students for STEM related careers that we will lose our ability to compete globally. This emphasis is most currently reflected in the Obama administration’s “Change the Equation” initiative.
(see ). This push toward improving STEM education at the K‐12 level is being largely driven by international and national tests in science and math. Educators will often refer to TIMSS or NAEP scores. TIMSS stands for Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study and NAEP refers to the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Data suggests while students in the United States score above international average, we are falling behind in math and science education when compared to countries like Russia, China, England, Singapore and the gap between US students and top achievers is more pronounced at 8th grade than at 4th grade (summary below or see all current data at:
Moreover, women and minorities are extremely underrepresented in STEM related career fields. Two strategies that are successful with these learners include using real opbjects and relevant topics, and working in groups. Project Learning Tree activities utilize both.
For more information about Project Learning Tree and STEM